Member Spotlight: Raylee Warren
This week’s Member Spotlight is Raylee Warren!
She is a senior Pre-Med student whose passion, friendliness, and dedication are evident to everyone who knows her. Read on to hear more about her experience in AED, get some great advice, and be inspired by one of your fellow AED members!
Raylee is a Biology Major with a Leadership Minor and a Medical Spanish Certificate. She joined AED in the Spring of 2020 and jumped into leadership by serving as the VP of Scholarly Events where she worked hard to put together an online Pre-Health Symposium in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond her leadership, Raylee is closely involved in the AED community. She shared, “My favorite part of AED is all the friends I have made throughout the years! AED has given me some of my best friends and I love how we are like one big family!” In her free time, Raylee is a “HUGE movie lover” and she laughingly admits that she may spend more time watching movies than studying. Beyond that, she enjoys drawing, playing piano, and playing sports! And she especially loves doing cyclocross with her dad and playing basketball with her brother-in-law.
Beyond Baylor, Raylee is on the path to becoming a physician. “My goal is to become a doctor and work in rural healthcare with Spanish-speaking populations. I am open to where God will lead me but as of right now, I am most interested in hematology-oncology, and I was recently introduced to dermatopathology, and this has also grabbed my interest!”. Raylee’s faith and passion for medicine are seen in everything she does, such as the mission trips she has been a part of during her time here. “For me personally, I love traveling, medicine, and Spanish and luckily, I was able to combine all of these passions and partake in a medical mission trip to Belize with Dr. Harvill. This experience was incredible because we were able to share God's love in the community through healthcare and it sealed my desire to work in rural medicine and make connections with people in their native language.”
From her experiences, Raylee also gave some really great advice to share with AED members. Firstly, “I would highly encourage you to go on a mission trip or study abroad if you are able because it will allow you to become emerged in different cultures and ultimately prepare you to be a better healthcare provider who is attentive to the needs of others”. As we can tell, being a part of a mission trip can be an amazing way to discover your specific passions in medicine and the ways you want to serve others. Secondly, “I would advise the AED members to find what gives them joy and pursue that passion. A lot of times, people may tell you that you must check certain boxes to succeed but when it all comes down to it, your path may look drastically different from someone else's and there is not one 'right' way. Enjoy your time here at Baylor and in AED and remember to have fun doing what you love!” This is an important reminder to all of us that we can always be motivated and inspired by others, but at the core of it, we each have a pre-professional journey to make our own.
AED loves highlighting members like Raylee who make AED as amazing as it is. Stay tuned for future Member Spotlights to learn more about your fellow AED members!
Written by Jasmine Hartman Budnik