Weekly Email 9/18

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday 9/19 through Friday 9/23 - Global Health Week!

  • Tuesday 9/20 6-7pm - Rock Painting

  • Friday 9/23 4:30-5:30pm - Loaves of Love LSE

  • Friday 9/23 6-8pm - Speed Dating 

  • Saturday 9/24 6:15-7:15pm - Meet the Majors LSE

Forms and Deadlines:

UPDATE: Scholarship Credits

  • Starting this semester, members are required to earn at least one scholarship credit in order to be considered active. Scholarship Credits will be offered for global health events, networking events, and Pre-Health Symposium. Additional credits can be used once in three ways: a general member meeting absence, social credit, or 1 weekly service credits. Multiple scholarship credits cannot count towards one category. The executive board will assign the credits accordingly, so you do not need to specify which category they will go towards. 

Rock Painting Social

  • We are having a rock painting social on Tuesday 9/20 from 6-7pm at the SUB Bowl (outside area on the side next to the SUB)! The member who paints the most creative rock will receive a free AED tote bag! All attendees will earn one social credit. 

Enzyme Substrate

  • Now is the time to start thinking about potentially signing up to be an Enzyme for the New Member class! This is a great way to get to know and pour into some of the New Members and get a Substrate! If you would like to sign up to be an enzyme, please fill out this form by September 21st at 11:59pm! Those who participate can earn social credits!

  • Signing up to be an enzyme requires attendance at Speed Dating (9/23 6:00-8:00pm) and at the 5th New Member Meeting (10/10 8:00ish) for the reveal! You will also need to go on 2 enzyme/substrate dates during the matching process. 

First-in-Line Welcome Mixer

  • The FIL Welcome Mixer is on September 26th from 5-7pm. If you would like to help table at this email, please contact Srikhar (Srikhar_Chilukuri1@baylor.edu) with your availability. This is a great event for our members to connect with other first-gen students, meet with Mrs. Calvillo, and find out more about resources that are uniquely available to them!


  • Our take-a-date event this semester will be held at Skate Waco on Thursday 9/29 from 7-9pm with Christian Pre-Health Fellowship. Feel free to bring a date or a friend! They do not have to be an AED member to attend. The price is only $7 with a valid ID and a student ID. Please fill out this form if you are planning on attending! All attendees will earn one social credit. 

Meet the Majors LSE & Loaves of Love LSE

  • Loaves of Love LSE: On Friday 9/23 at 4:30 PM-6:30 PM, you can work with other volunteers in an assembly line fashion (Team PB, Jelly, and Baggy) to create as many PB&U sandwiches as possible. Sign up HERE 

  • Meet the Majors LSE: Earle Hall is looking for a variety of majors to meet the new residents on Saturday 9/24 at 6:15 PM, , so they will find connection and support at Baylor! Sign up HERE

Outside Service Form

  • If you are planning to get involved in outside service, you need to fill out the Outside Application Form ASAP! This needs to be approved for you to get your weekly service credits at the end of the semester

Blog Post: “What it Means to be an EMT”

This week’s blog post was written by our lovely Historian, Kirti Chamkura, on the meaning of being an EMT and the value of the experience. Check it out here!

Global Health Week and Case Competition

  • Global Health week is here! All week, amazing speakers and workshops will be going on. AED members can earn scholarship credits by attending these events!

  • They are also having a Global Health Week Case Competition in which students can propose a solution to a given global health issue. AED members who participate can earn a scholarship credit. The link for signups close at 5pm on Thursday 9/22. Check out the flyer for more details regarding the competition.

Health Care is Ours

  • Alpha Epsilon Delta is partnering with Healthcare is Ours to provide mentorship for students interested in pursuing health careers at the Greater Waco Advanced Health Care Academy. They are looking for mentors that will offer advice, encourage their students, and more. This is a great opportunity for pre-health students wanting to connect with those in the Waco community, and the minimum time commitment is only a 1 hour meeting every week. 

  • For more information, check out the flyer and scan the QR code to fill out the application on Google Forms. The application deadline will be extended to September 23rd at 11:59 PM. Returning mentors must apply to mentor again. 

Research & Shadowing Information Request

  • If you have been involved with any type of research and/or shadowing during your time at Baylor, please fill out this form. Networking Chairs, Bella and Blake, are gathering information about AED members' current involvement in research and shadowing to create a growing database of resources for all current and future AED members interested in these opportunities.


  • We are excited to announce that we are selling tote bags! Please fill out the merchandise form to order yours for pick-up at GM #1 this Wednesday. 

  • Please open the merchandise form to check out all available merchandise, prices, and pick-up times! Contact kelsey_bubier1@baylor.edu if you have any merch questions or ideas for future merchandise!

Pearson Subscription Giveaway!!

  • Pearson is giving away 150 Semester Long Subscriptions to Pearson+ (Single Tier level = one textbook and access to Channels). This gives you free access to a Pearson textbook and all its great study tools! Complete this brief form for your chance to win. If you are currently using a Pearson+ text, it will work as a refund. If you are not using a Pearson+ textbook, still fill out the form to use it as a FREE supplemental study tool!

Master Spreadsheet

Website: www.bayloraed.com

Website password: BaylorAED


Weekly Email 9/25


Weekly Email 9/11