09/16 Weekly Email

Hey AED! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in New Member Interviews and stopped by Tea & Trivia today! We’re thrilled to welcome a new class of 41 bright individuals into the organization.

We have a lot of announcements this week, so please read through them carefully. This week, we have our first General Meeting of the semester on Wednesday in BSB A108 (note the location change!) from 7:30-8:30 pm. Also, enjoy some delectable ice cream at Andy’s any time on Tuesday and show the flyer at checkout! Need help setting up your LinkedIn profile? Come by our LinkedIn Networking Event on Thursday, led by our networking chairs! Lastly, don’t miss our upcoming LSE and social event this week, and remember to fill out the membership form, especially if you plan on graduating in Spring 2025.

Have a great week everyone!

Upcoming Events:

  • AED General Meeting #1 | Wednesday, September 18, 7:30-8:30 pm | BSB A108 (New location!!)

  • Back-2-School Andy’s Profit Share | Tuesday, September 17, all day | Andy’s Frozen Custard

    • Show the flyer below at checkout and email attendance to ian_stahl1@baylor.edu to receive one social credit

  • AED LinkedIn Workshop | Thursday, September 19, 5:00-6:00 pm | BSB A108

    • Attend to earn one scholarship credit

  • AEDxMSO Medical Mission Trip Interest Meeting | Thursday, September 19, 7:30-8:30 pm | BSB E206

  • Supporting the Arts Social: The Grown Ups | Thursday, September 19, 7:20-9:00 pm | Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center, Theatre 11 

    • Read below for some important information and forms about attending this social

  • LSE: Shepherd’s Heart | Saturday, September 21, 10:00-11:00AM

  • Enzyme-Substrate Speed Dating | Tuesday, September 24, 6:00-8:00 pm | Foster 143/144

Forms and Deadlines:

  • General Membership Form is due 10/02 after the 2nd GM at 11:59pm. It is REQUIRED FOR ALL GENERAL MEMBERS! Failure to fill this out will result in being marked inactive.

  • Enzyme-Substrate Interest Form: Please fill out this form if you are interested in becoming an Enzyme this semester. If you are graduating in May 2025, please remember this is your final opportunity to become an enzyme in order to receive your graduation cord.

  • Shepherd’s Heart LSE Sign-Up Form: Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending the LSE at Shepherd’s Heart on Saturday, 9/21, from 10:00-11:00 AM

  • Gift of Life Magistry Tabling LSE: Sign up to help table with the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry on Wednesday, 9/25 from 9:00-4:30pm in the BSB! 

    • You must sign up for two 30-minute shifts to get an LSE credit, and any additional signups will go towards weekly hours. 

  • TCOM School Visit Interest Form: AED is touring UNT TCOM on October 25th at 3:00 PM. Fill out this form if you are interested in attending for 1 scholarship credit.

Be sure to review the Master Spreadsheet periodically throughout the semester to check your credits. Email mariele_patungan1@baylor.edu if you have any questions!

General Meeting Dates:

  • Our general meetings this semester will be from 7:30-8:30pm on 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, 10/30, 11/13, & 12/4, at BSB A108 (NEW LOCATION!!)! Go ahead and plan on putting those on your calendar so you can meet the GM requirement. Please email Evan or Mariele if you cannot attend one or all of these GM dates at least two weeks in advance. We will only provide GM exemptions to those with classes or exams.


Supporting the Arts Social

Supporting the Arts Social: The Grown-Ups | Thursday, September 19, 7:20 - 9:00 PM | Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center, Theatre 11 

Support our actors and actresses on campus and gain a CAE credit along the way! Baylor Theatre will be putting on a “darkly-comic and slightly hopeful play that takes us to that moment in time when you realize you are now the Grown-Up”. If you plan on attending please buy your STUDENT ticket for the price of $10 at the link below and then complete the Google Form so we know you’re coming! 

Thank you to everyone who attended the Farmer’s Market Social on Saturday!

Scholarly Events

AED LinkedIn Workshop

Join us for the AED-hosted LinkedIn networking event tailored specifically for all pre-health students. This event offers a unique opportunity to connect with peers, and mentors. The LinkedIn workshop will focus on optimizing your profile, writing standout summaries, and showcasing your skills and experiences to attract potential opportunities. Attend and earn one scholarship credit!


Upcoming Large Service Events

  • AED requires general members to attend 3 Large Service Events each semester! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Lexi (lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu).

Pay-for-credit LSE: We are helping McLennan County Diaper Collective host a drive for National Diaper Need Awareness Week. There is no government assistance for diapers, so MCDC is a newer non-profit in Waco that aims to fill this gap and runs solely on donations. To earn an LSE credit, please bring a package of diapers (any size; at least 100 diapers) to the first or second GM (9/18 or 10/2). The diapers should be HEB/Walmart brand, and not name-brand diapers to save money (Refer to the pictures below for examples). Please no pull ups–just regular diapers. Diapers run in sizes from newborn to 7. Reach out to Lexi if you are not able to drop off at the next two general meetings!

Additionally, we will be having an LSE with MCDC on Tuesday, October 8th from 6-8PM to wrap and package all the diapers that we have collected for distribution.

  • Loaves of Love occurs every 2 weeks in Earle Classroom. Loaves of Love is a weekly service opportunity, but AED members can attend ANY date this semester for 1 LSE credit. Note: Loaves of Love can only count for 1 LSE of your required 3, and you MUST bring a donation (2 loaves of bread OR 3 jars of jelly or peanut butter) in order to earn an LSE. The next date will be this Friday, September 20th from 4:45-5:45PM. To receive credit, show up at 4:45PM and fill out the sign-in on the whiteboard.

  • Shepherd’s Heart LSE this Saturday (9/21) from 10-11AM! Shepherd’s Heart is a mobile food pantry, and this weekend’s distribution will be at the edge of Baylor’s campus. Please fill out this LINK if you plan on going. Weekly members of Shepherd’s Heart are welcome to use this as weekly service or as an LSE credit! Reach out to giulia_ishi1@baylor.edu or lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu with questions. 

  • Assist the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry Campus Ambassadors in tabling at the BSB for spreading awareness about the bone marrow registry. You will be tabling and performing cheek swabs next Wednesday 9/25 from 9:00 to 4:30. Reach out to aatiqah_hussain1@baylor.edu with questions. Sign-up here. You must sign up for 2 30-minute shifts to get an LSE credit, and any additional signups will go towards weekly hours. 

Weekly Service Form and Updates

  • Note to Waco Family Medicine Volunteers: Wearing an AED polo to volunteer is required! If you are a new volunteer to WFM or if you are a returner who wants to purchase a new one, please fill out Ian’s form that he sent to your emails ASAP.  Please reach out to liana_vuu1@baylor.edu or ian_stahl1@baylor.edu if you have any questions at all!

  • Thank you to those who have filled out the Weekly Service Form & reached out to the clinical service chairs! The Master Spreadsheet has been updated with the volunteer sites that you have been assigned to! Please reach out to Lexi (lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu) if you think anything is off. 

    • If you have not heard from your Weekly Service Chair, please reach out to Lexi.

    • If you have to attend an orientation for your organization–that will still contribute to your weekly hours. Please let me know if you have any questions at all!

MSOxAED Medical Mission Trip

AED’s annual medical-mission trip is heading to South Africa for the first time!!

Join AED & MSO from May 21st-31st for an incredible experience with BU Missions and One more child. Our first interest meeting is this Thursday at 7:30PM in BSB E206. Come if you are interested about what the trip will entail & to ask any questions you have!

If you attend the trip you get 2 semester’s worth of LSEs covered, and you’ll have a chance to get closer with AED members. Plus, AED will fundraise to help cover the cost of your trip.

Please reach out to annie_lodge1@baylor.edu and anne_howard1@baylor.edu with questions



  • Semester Dues are $25 and must be paid by GM #3 (10/16)!

  • Dues will be raised to $35 after GM #3

  • Dues can be paid to our Venmo: @BaylorAED

    • Please do not mark your dues as a service as it charges AED

  • Contact Ian at ian_stahl1@baylor.edu for any questions or if Venmo does not work for you.


Andy’s Frozen Custard Profit Share

Come and enjoy some frozen custard with AED at the Andy’s Back-2-School Profit Share all day on Tuesday, September 17! Show the flyer at checkout and email proof of attendance to ian_stahl1@baylor.edu to receive one social credit!

2nd Annual AED Pickleball Tournament

Grab your doubles partner, because AED is hosting the 2nd Annual AED Pickleball Tournament on Friday, October 4 from 5:00-10:00! Signups are $15/team, however if we have 5 teams from AED signup, they will drop to just $10/team! Make sure to tell your friends! Come out for riveting matches, exciting prizes, delicious concessions, scenic photo-ops, and so much more! Playing in the tournament will also give you a social credit, so don’t miss out! Signup with the QR code on the flyer:

Here are some pictures of some of our members at last year’s pickleball tournament! Pictured wearing the hotdog in the third picture is one of our new members, Izzie Cole! She placed 3rd with her partner in last year’s tournament! Make sure to give her a warm AED welcome!


We’re ordering AED polos! Order yours with this link

The red Quarter Zips are also in! Order yours now with this link

Interested in other merchandise? Fill out the google form here!

New Member Events

The Fall 2024 New Member Process has begun! Remember, general members must attend at least one new member event to remain active. The following events will be taking place:

  • New Member Tea & Trivia: 9/15 from 2:00-4:00 PM @ SUB Barfield

    • Check out the pictures from the New Member Tea & Trivia! Say hi to our new members when you see them around :)

  • Enzyme-Substrate Speed Dating: 9/24 from 6:00-8:00 PM @ Foster 143/144

  • New Member Picnic: 9/29 from 1:00-3:00 PM @ McLean Pickleball Courts & Bear Park

  • New Member Auction: 10/6 from 5:00-7:00 PM @ SUB Barfield

  • New Member Induction: 10/15 from 7:00-8:00 PM @ Foster 240

Important: If you are interested in becoming an Enzyme this semester please fill out this form. Seniors graduating in May 2025 please remember this is your final opportunity to become an enzyme in order to receive your graduation cord

Thank you to everyone who came to the recruitment events and made it so much fun! We had a record breaking number of applicants and will be announcing the Merch Credit lucky winner on Wednesday at the GM. You must be present to receive your prize so be sure to be there!

Congratulations to New Member Molly Laporte on winning a tote bag for following the @BaylorAEDNMS account!

Other Updates

Our Stories

Check out our latest blog post written by Historian Jenna Parker where she shares some MCAT and DAT preparation tips from AED members Jordan Barager and Nathan Truong!

Faith In Medicine Week

CCHF and the Micah Scholars are hosting Faith in Medicine Week this week from September 15-22. Come explore vocation in health care, interact with health professionals, and learn about the intersection between faith and medicine. They will be hosting a mini-conference, panel, banquet, worship night, and missions showcase throughout the week! Read the flyer for more information and pre-register for events with the QR codes. Please contact Micah_Scholars@baylor.edu with questions.


Taking a gap year? MedServe is currently recruiting for its 2-year service-learning fellowship, designed specifically for recent college graduates, especially those on a pre-med or pre-PA track. This fellowship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in primary care clinics across rural and underserved communities in North Carolina.

Program Highlights:

  • MATCH: Ideal for service-minded graduates ready to enhance their medical career trajectory.

  • IMMERSE: Work full-time in innovative primary care settings, making a significant impact on community health.

  • SUPPORT: Receive comprehensive training and ongoing professional development throughout the fellowship.


  • Early Bird applications are now open at MedServe’s website.

  • Join their info session on Tuesday, Sept 17th from 6:00-6:30 p.m. via Zoom.

For more details, check out the attached flyer or visit their website.

AED Google Calendar

Here is the link to join the 2024-2025 Baylor AED Google Calendar!

This will be great to use to stay up-to-date on everything going on this year! We will still be using the calendar on the website as well!

AED Photocircle

Join the AED Photocircle! If you take photos at AED events, you can upload them directly here to be featured on the AED Instagram and website gallery.

Free Blueprint MCAT Study Guides

AED Resources Spreadsheet

  • Are you interested in applying for internships, scholarships, and/or research labs?! Check out the AED Resources Spreadsheet!!! This is a great compilation of many opportunities that often go unnoticed and unused. If you have any questions/concerns or any suggestions for improvement, please contact the respective Networking Chair:

Kaplan MCAT Partnership

Thanks to AED’s continued partnership with Kaplan, we have a plethora of resources/discounts available to us! Visit http://campus.kaptest.com/baylor-jorge for free MCAT resources. Good luck!

  • If yoIf you are looking to purchase a Kaplan course, our member discount code for 15% off is BAYLOR15 (includes In Person, Live Online or On Demand; excludes Tutoring).

  • Reach out to our campus MCAT expert Samar at samar.rehman@kaplan.com for help with building an effective study plan or picking the right course for them. 

  • If you are interested in becoming a Kaplan Brand Ambassador (benefits include free course, flexible schedule, competitive pay and professional development opportunities), you can learn more here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our current Brand Ambassador, Jorge Gomez.

The Princeton Review MCAT Partnership

New for 2024 is AED's partnership with The Princeton Review (TPR). With that, comes an array of awesome discounts that all members can take advantage of!

  • BAYLORAED20 - for 20% off Test Prep courses

  • BAYLORAED10 - for 10% off tutoring packages

  • BAYLORAEDMA10 - for 10% off Med School Admissions Counseling products

Master Spreadsheet Info

Fall 2024 Master Spreadsheet

Have a blessed week everyone! Email any members of the executive board if you have any questions!


09/09 Weekly Email