04/29 Weekly Email
Upcoming Events:
CPF Ice Cream Social | May 2nd, 9:00 - 10:00 PM | Outside of Moody Library
AED Finals Study Social | May 3rd, 5:00 - 7:00 PM | Jesse H. Jones Library Creekmore Conference Room
Forms and Deadlines:
Just a reminder that the last day to get all your points in will be the last day of classes 05/02! Please do not wait until the last minute to reach out about any credits you are missing!
Fill out this End-of-Semester feedback survey to earn 1 scholarship credit! This will help us gauge what went well and what we can do better for next year!
Fill out our AED Books form to recommend your favorite professors and classes! Submit three forms to earn 1 scholarship credit!
The last few opportunities to collect social credits are happening this week!
CPF “I Scream for Ice Cream” Social!
CPF is hosting an ice cream social from 9-10 PM on May 2nd outside of Moody Library.
You can attend to receive one social credit!
AED Finals Study Social!
The absolute last chance to receive credits!
Attend to receive a social, scholarship, weekly service, or general meeting credit!
Location: Jesse H. Jones Creekmore Conference Room (on the second floor!)
On dead day: May 3rd, 5:00-7:00 PM
Large Service Events
Loaves of Love occurs every 2 weeks in Earle Classroom. Loaves of Love is a weekly service opportunity, but AED members can attend ANY date this semester for 1 LSE credit. Note: Loaves of Love can only count for 1 LSE of your required 3. The last date for the semester will be Friday, May 3rd from 4:30 to 6PM. To receive credit, show up at 4:30 and fill out the sign-in on the whiteboard. You can also attend for weekly credit if you are in need.
If you are still in need of LSEs, please email Lexi, and she can help you find another opportunity to remain active for the semester.
Weekly Service Updates
Weekly service hours will be due at the end of this week on Friday, May 3rd. Please contact your Weekly Service Chair or Lexi (Lexi_Haviland1@baylor.edu) if you are concerned or have questions about your hours!
General Member dues are now $35
Venmo: @BaylorAED
Please do not say this is a good/service (it charges AED)
Contact Kayla_Nguyen2@baylor.edu with questions or if Venmo does not work for you
Other Updates
AED Timetree Calendar
Here is the link to join our timetree calendar for the Spring semester! This will be great to use to keep up to speed with any events that we will be having. We will still be using the calendar on the website as well!
Free Blueprint MCAT Study Guides
Blueprint has let us know that they have released 4 new MCAT study guides that can be utilized by our members! Here is the link to download them.
AED Resources Spreadsheet
Are you interested in applying for internships, scholarships, and/or research labs?! Check out the AED Resources Spreadsheet!!! This is a great compilation of many opportunities that often go unnoticed and unused. If you have any questions/concerns or any suggestions for improvement, please contact the respective Networking Chair:
Shadowing: miranda_lutterbei1@baylor.edu
Research: Emily_York1@baylor.edu
Scholarships: rebecca_abraham2@baylor.edu
Internships: kashvi_lalchandani1@baylor.edu
Kaplan MCAT Partnership
Thanks to AED’s continued partnership with Kaplan, we have a plethora of resources/discounts available to us! Visit http://campus.kaptest.com/baylor-jorge for free MCAT resources. Good luck!
If you are looking to purchase a Kaplan course, our member discount code for 15% off is BAYLOR15 (includes In Person, Live Online or On Demand; excludes Tutoring).
Reach out to our campus MCAT expert Samar at samar.rehman@kaplan.com for help with building an effective study plan or picking the right course for them.
If you are interested in becoming a Kaplan Brand Ambassador (benefits include free course, flexible schedule, competitive pay and professional development opportunities), you can learn more here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our current Brand Ambassador, Jorge Gomez.
Master Spreadsheet Info