Summer Spotlight 2021: Sharon Nguyen
Sharon Nguyen is a senior Biology minor on the Pre-Medicine track. One of her favorite things about AED is the people, because she has made some friendships that will last for life.
JAMP is a program that provides a plethora of valuable opportunities to qualified low-income students. Some of these include scholarship opportunities, internships, and MCAT preparation. Most of all, students are guaranteed spot in a Texas medical school if the program’s requirements are met and maintained.
As a part of JAMP, Sharon completed a virtual internship at the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine this summer. She was able to see firsthand what medical school is like through attending lectures and taking National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) practice exams. There were even experiences like a Standardized Patient Encounter, which allowed her to learn how to take a patient’s history. Many physicians of a wide variety of specialties spoke to the students about their career paths over the four weeks of internship. Sharon says it was a highly impactful experience that solidified her decision and determination to become a physician. In addition to its educational aspects, there were fun activities like virtual painting and cooking class, Family Feud, and a book club.
Sharon considers JAMP to be extremely valuable, as it allows for people of similar backgrounds and a common goal of becoming a physician to form a community and it provides abundant financial and academic support. She has also been going through interviews and will find out which medical school she will be attending by the end of this fall.
For her senior year, she hopes to solidify how she rests and recharges before entering medical school as a way of preventing burnout. She can often be found around McLane or Cameron Park, jogging and training for the Bearathon.
If you would like to know more about JAMP, you can visit their website or visit the JAMP table at the Pre-Health showcase.