Event Recap: Terrarium Social
Last week, the long-anticipated Terrarium Social took place! Despite the immense heat and burning feeling coming from the sun shining on the BSB porch, many AED members came to exercise their creative sides in craft-making.
The tables of supplies were constantly surrounded by a crowd of people, adding various elements into glass jars to capture a scene of nature and perhaps a little bit of fairy magic inside of them.
As always, the social was planned by our VP of Social Events, Taylor. She ensured that there would be many pretty items and other supplies ready for participants. Her efforts definitely paid off!
There were supplies such as gravel, glass mosaic gems, sand of different colors, and fake moss. The highlight of all of the pieces were the tiny figurines of cute wild animals you might find in a forest, as well as a few small houses and signs.
The best way to put the finishing touches on the placements was to fix the pieces down in the jar with the hot glue gun. Then placing a cork lid on top and tying a piece of twine around the neck of the jar completed the whimsical terrarium, perfect as a decoration in any living space.
Everyone’s creations were spectacular, with not one being exactly alike. Best of all, it was great to see how many people came to make terrariums together with their friends and take a break from the stressful studying and schoolwork that is characteristic of this time of year. Many members who came now have a tangible memory of a fun and unique social that they will probably not forget for a long time.