Alumni Spotlight: Krupa George
Krupa George is currently in her second year of medical school, and is working on “integrating literature and humanities with cancer biology in [her] medical school curriculum. As a Baylor Medical Humanities Alum, [she’s] excited to continue studying this field and share it with [her] classmates”.
The past year has brought the unexpected to Krupa, but it has also brought “fun opportunities to ‘visit’ Baylor virtually”. One of the highlights of last year for her was the opportunity to visit Baylor for PreHealth day, and she mentions how the worst part was “probably the speeding ticket [she] got on the drive over”.
Krupa with her substrates, Sandi and Saawan.
Krupa’s love her AED is apparent, and she mentions how “AED is an amazing organization and [she has] met some of the coolest people through it”. When asked if she would like to shout out any current members, Krupa thanked Sandi and Saawan “for helping create the best enzyme substrate complex”.
The highlight of her AED experience was the pledge service project, now known as the new member service project. Krupa’s class was able to organize a lunch for the East Village Dining Hall staff, and it was “such a special opportunity to give back and serve the people who have been serving us”. Krupa was also the pledge publicist and historian during her time at AED, and says she has “AED to thank for getting [her] involved in photography”, and that she “really enjoyed taking photos at all the fun events”.
Left: Krupa and her friends, repping the AED fleeces at their last auction. (top to bottom: Tiffany Lu, Janani Srikanth, Krupa George)
Right: Krupa George, Grace Kohn, and Ryan Keller at their senior banquet.
Another AED highlight for Krupa would be her last PreHealth Day where Krupa and her friend Grace Kohn “set up mock interviews”, which was “a really cool thing to organize”.
Now, Krupa has been on leadership with CDMA, is the VP of Anesthesiology Interest Group, and is the President of Women in Medicine (WIM). She says that she is “super proud of WIM, as we raised over $10,000 for the Center Against Sexual and Family Violence”. She has done so through “a gender neutral virtual pageant called Mx. PLFSOM (”. Krupa mentions how she would have wanted to do something similar, like “a PreHealth pageant during [her] time at Baylor, but it never quite happened”. She hints at how Baylor students now should plan something similar.
Baylor AED wishes Krupa the best for her current and future endeavors, and thanks for being such a bright light during her time in AED.
Krupa’s fun tradition of borrowing a graduating senior’s cord to take a photo, since she “rarely had photos of [herself] at events as the photographer”.