Weekly Email 9/5

Upcoming Events:

  • Thursday 9/8 & Friday 9/9 - NM Interviews 

  • Saturday 9/10 - Shepherd’s Heart Distribution LSE

  • Sunday 9/11 2-4pm - New Member Tea & Trivia 

Forms and Deadlines:

Scheduled Events 

  • If you’d like to add AED’s General and New Member events to your calendar for the semester, you can look at the calendar at the bottom of the “General Members” page

    • General Meetings (from 7:30-8:30pm in BSB D110)

      • GM1: 9/14 

      • GM2: 9/28 

      • GM3: 10/12

      • GM4: 10/26

      • GM5: 11/9

      • GM6: 11/30

    • NOTE: events are subject to change so be sure to check weekly announcements to stay up-to-date.

New Member Interview Sign-Ups

  • It's that time of year!! General members are able to sign up for time slots to assist the executive board in interviewing applicants for the Fall 2022 New Member Class here: NM Interview Sign-Ups.

  • Interviews will take place on September 8th and 9th from 6:00-8:00 PM with each slot being 30 minutes each. There are six slots for each time broken down on the sheet by BSB room number. 

  • By signing up to help with 2 interviews, you will receive one scholarship credit! We could use all the help we can get :)

  • We also have a slot at each time for one person to help with checking in applicants in the E-Wing of the BSB atrium!

  • Dress is a business professional. Trent and Miranda will reach out with more directions and details if you sign up. If you have any questions, please email Miranda_Lutterbei1@baylor.edu or Trent_Rothell1@baylor.edu 

Shepherd’s Heart Distribution LSE

  • Sign up HERE if you want to participate in the Shepherd’s Heart food distribution next Saturday 09/10 (only 15 spots available!) 

Weekly Service Sign-up Form 

New Member Tea & Trivia

  • Come meet the New Member cohort for Fall 2022! General members are encouraged to attend the tea and get to know the new members. There will be refreshments provided and trivia to help break the ice!

  • Tea & Trivia will be held in the SUB Barfield Room on 9/11 from 2-4pm. General Members can come and go during the event and earn one social credit

Enzyme Substrate

  • Now is the time to start thinking about potentially signing up to be an Enzyme for the New Member class! This is a great way to get to know and/or mentor some of the New Members by getting a Substrate! There is an option on the Membership Form to indicate potential interest. 

  • Signing up to be an enzyme requires attendance at Speed Dating (9/18 12:00-2:00) and at the 5th New Member Meeting (10/10 8:00ish) for the reveal! You will also need to go on 2 enzyme/substrate dates during the matching process. Attending Speed Dating will earn you one social credit

Research & Shadowing Information Request

  • If you have been involved with any type of research and/or shadowing during your time at Baylor, please fill out this form. Networking Chairs, Bella and Blake, are gathering information about AED members' current involvement in research and shadowing to create a growing database of resources for all current and future AED members interested in these opportunities.

Rock Climbing Social

  • The rock climbing social this week has been postponed to later this semester! If you have any questions regarding socials, please contact Bella_McElroy1@baylor.edu


  • Please open the merchandise form to check out all available merchandise, prices, and pick-up times! Contact kelsey_bubier1@baylor.edu if you have any merch questions.

  • Be sure to attend GM #1 (9/14) for new merchandise that will be available! 

Master Spreadsheet

Website: www.bayloraed.com

Website password: BaylorAED


Weekly Email 9/11


Weekly Email 8/28