Weekly Email 10/30

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday 11/2 7-8pm - Pie a Pre-Health

  • Thursday 11/3 5-6pm - Shadowing Workshop 

  • Thursday 11/3 6-9pm - Multicultural Potluck 

  • Saturday 11/5 8am-1pm - Steppin’ Out LSE

  • Sunday 11/6 6-10pm - Fall Charity Gala 

Forms and Deadlines:

Pie a Pre-health!

BMSA is hosting a pie a pre-health event on Wednesday November 2nd from 7-8pm at fountain mall and AED will be there! All of the Exec Board will be there for you to come pie. Pies are $3 for 1 or $5 for 2. You can earn 1 social credit if you buy a pie! All the proceeds will go towards hosting future AED events! There is a competition between the pre-health organizations, so please come support AED! 

Shadowing Workshop

The Networking Chairs are hosting a workshop to help AED’s members learn more about how to get started in shadowing and how to be prepared/maximize your experience. Attend the event this Thursday 11/3 from 5-6pm in BSB A236 and earn a scholarship credit!

Multicultural Potluck 

Come out to the All Pre-Health Multicultural Potluck on November 3rd anytime from 6-9pm on the 2nd floor E Wing Landing of the BSB! This is a great time to celebrate and embrace culture while enjoying dinner with the prehealth community. Bring a dish that you love to share!,” or something similar. A social credit (new member event credit) will be offered for attendance and a scholarship credit for bringing a dish. This is the LAST opportunity to obtain a new member event credit this semester! Please contact Nevaeh_Gomez1@baylor.edu if you have any questions or concerns! RSVP to attend or also bring a dish

Fall Charity Gala (Hosted by Pre-Health Organizations) 

Baylor Pre-Health Organizations are hosting a Fall Charity Gala with a live DJ, live auction, photography, and senior recognition on November 6th from 6-10pm! Dinner will also be provided with your ticket. Join your pre-health peers for a night of community, fun, and philanthropy! Proceeds from this celebration will go towards supporting the mission of Waco Immigrant Alliance. To purchase at ticket or for more information, scan the QR code on the flyer: 

Mission Trip IMPORTANT Information

  • Here I'm attaching the MISSION TRIP SLIDES with the interest meeting recording included (on the last slide). This presentation contains very important information, so please read it carefully and reach out to me or the mission trip chairs Victoria (victoria_agbeibor1@baylor.edu) and Spencer (spencer_tibbitts1@baylor.edu)  if you have any questions. 

  • We are hoping to meet the minimum number of people (12 students) to be able to go! *Extended Application Deadline: November 16th

AED Resources Spreadsheet

Mission Trip Shirt Contest

  • We are looking for creative designs for our Mission Trip shirt fundraiser. You can upload yours HERE and all AED members will be able to vote for their favorite one. The winner gets a special PRIZE! 

*The shirt CANNOT have the name of Baylor university on it & needs to be related to the mission trip. 

Transformation Waco Afterschool

  • If someone is interested in extra service/job opportunities, Transformation Waco Afterschool is still looking for math coaches for J.H. Hines Elementary.

  • Slots available:

    • Tuesdays - 3:30 to 5:15 - 2 slots open

    • Wednesdays - 3:30 - 5:15 - 1 slot open

    • Fridays - 3:30 - 5:15 - 2 slots open 

  • For more information, please reach out to contact is Ms. Ashley Thornton  Ashley_Thornton@baylor.edu

  • HERE is a flyer with more information

Prayer Requests

  • This is the link for prayer requests! Feel free to add your name and number if you want our chaplain, Lauren Boone, to follow up, have a great week everyone!! :)

LSE pictures for credit!

  • If you sent your picture to Ariana Vera, she has already updated the master spreadsheet. Please check if you have your complete points and reach out to Ariana at Ariana_vera1@baylor.edu if something is missing! If you haven’t sent your picture yet, please do so ASAP!

MCAT/DAT/GRE Mentors Needed! 

  • If you have taken the MCAT/DAT/GRE and are willing to mentor someone who will be taking it soon, please fill out this form! We will connect you with someone who wants mentorship! 


  • Are you taking the MCAT, DAT, or GRE this upcoming academic year? We want to support you! Fill out this interest form and we will connect with you! 


  • NM Shirts have arrived! If you would like to order one for pick-up, fill out the form below!! Our crewnecks will be available next week too!

  • Here is a link to the merchandise form to check out all available merchandise, prices, and pick-up times! 

  • If you have suggestions for future merchandising ideas or any questions, please email kelsey_bubier1@baylor.edu

Master Spreadsheet

Website: www.bayloraed.com


Weekly Email 11/6


Weekly Email 10/23