Weekly Email 8/21

Tabling Shifts

  • Tabling in the BSB atrium will take place again this semester YAY! The dates and times are listed on the sign-up sheet. Signing up for TWO 30-minute shifts (can be any day or time, does not have to be together) will get you 1 scholarship point! Grab a friend and sign up for a shift before or after class, and come ready to share why you joined AED and how potential new members can get involved! Please only sign up under the general member slots rather than the exec member slots to avoid confusion :) You are more than welcome to sign up for more than just two slots, but you will be limited to only receiving one scholarship credit for this event (regardless of even signing up for different days). Start the year off strong and help us share what makes AED so special and unique to potential new members!

  • Sign up here: Fall '22 Shifts for Tabling

Research & Shadowing Information Request

  • If you have been involved with any type of research and/or shadowing during your time at Baylor, please fill out this form. Networking Chairs, Bella and Blake, are gathering information about AED members' current involvement in research and shadowing to create a growing database of resources for all current and future AED members interested in these opportunities.

Fall 2022 Recruitment Flyer

  • Attached alongside this announcement is a Recruitment Flyer!! Please send it to anybody you know who is interested in applying to AED during the Fall semester or even in the future! 


  • Please open the merchandise form to check out all available merchandise, prices, and pick-up times! Contact kelsey_bubier1@baylor.edu if you have any merch questions.

  • Be sure to attend GM #1 for new merchandise that will be available! 

Master Spreadsheet

Website: www.bayloraed.com

Website password: BaylorAED


Weekly Email 8/28


Summer Email 7/25/2022