12/02 Weekly Email

Hey AED! We hope all had a relaxing Thanksgiving break! We have a lot of important updates this week, so please read through them carefully.

Join us on Wednesday for our last general meeting of the semester. We are excited to speak with AED alumni who will provide advice for applying to their respective professional schools and fields.

If you’re a Junior or Senior participating in the Pre-Health Committee process, join us for a workshop on Monday, led by AED seniors who have completed the process. Look out for further information to be sent out tomorrow in the GroupMe.

On Tuesday, AED is partnering with ASDA to host the LAST scholarship event of the semester, featuring a representative from the Lincoln Memorial College of Dental Medicine to discuss their application process.

If you are in need of social credits, several opportunities are available between this week and next. The deadline to meet your general member requirements is December 11. Please review the Master Spreadsheet for your credits, and contact me with any questions!

Lastly, come support the Mission Trip by helping with tabling or providing baked goods for the bake sale on Wednesday.

Have a great week everyone!

Upcoming Events:

  • General Meeting #6 | BSB A108, 7:40-8:40pm | LAST GM of the semester, featuring an Alumni Panel!

  • Pre-Health Committee Workshop | December 2nd, 6:30-8:00pm | Location TBD; details & info will be sent out on Monday over GroupMe

  • AEDxASDA Lincoln Memorial College of Dental Medicine Info Session | December 3rd, 6:30-8:30pm | BSB D114

  • AEDxMSO Bake Sale | December 4th, 11:00am-2:00pm | All proceeds go to the Mission Trip! | LSE and service credits available 

  • Chipotle Profit Share | December 4th, 5:00-9:00pm | 721 S 4th St

  • Christmas on 5th Volunteering | December 5th, various shifts available | Information in service section of email

  • Pop-up Coffee Shop Social | December 7th, 10am-4pm | 2711 S 2nd St 

  • Puppy Promenade Social | December 8th, 2-4pm | Cameron Park

  • Foodie Social | December 9th, 6-8pm | Raising Cane’s

  • Study Social | December 11th, 3-5pm | Creekmore Conference Room (2nd Floor Jones Library)

Forms and Deadlines:

  • If you are graduating this semester and are eligible for a free graduation cord, please fill out this form so we can get you your graduation cord!

Be sure to review the Master Spreadsheet periodically throughout the semester to check your credits. December 11 will be the LAST day to earn and finalize your credits, so please make sure to review the spreadsheet before then. Email mariele_patungan1@baylor.edu if you have any questions!

General Meeting Dates:

  • Our general meetings this semester will be on 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, 10/30, 11/13, & 12/4, at BSB A108 (NEW LOCATION!!)! Because our new room hosts an SI session until 7:30pm, our general meetings will now begin at 7:40pm and end at 8:40pm. Go ahead and plan on putting those on your calendar so you can meet the GM requirement. Please email Mariele (mariele_patungan1@baylor.edu) if you cannot attend one or all of these GM dates at least one week in advance. We will only provide GM exemptions to those with classes or exams.


Scholarly Events

Lincoln Memorial University College of Dental Medicine

An admission officer from Lincoln Memorial School of Dentistry will be visiting Baylor University to talk to AED and ASDA members and let students know more about the application process to their school.

Come to learn more about Lincoln’s dentistry program and earn one scholarship credit! This will be the LAST opportunity to earn a scholarship credit. 


Upcoming Large Service Events

AED requires general members to attend 3 Large Service Events each semester! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Lexi (lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu).

  • If you are in need of an LSE or weekly service hours, sign-up to help run Christmas on 5th! Volunteers are needed on both Wednesday 10/4 and Thursday on 10/5.

    • Sign-up at this LINK with your name, Baylor email and organization (AED).

    • Please sign-up as soon as possible as they will send additional details about your role before the event.

    • To earn a credit, please show up for your full shift, send a picture of yourself volunteering to Lexi (lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu), and indicate whether you’d like the credit to count for service hours or for an LSE.

    • Volunteers on Thursday (12/5) should check in at the tent in front of Marrs McLean Gym at least 15 minutes before their shift for instructions. If you have any questions please reach out to Lexi or Raghav (raghav_edara1@baylor.edu).

  • Loaves of Love occurs every 2 weeks in Earle Classroom. Loaves of Love is a weekly service opportunity, but AED members can attend ANY date this semester for 1 LSE credit.

    • Note: Loaves of Love can only count for 1 LSE of your required 3, and you MUST bring a donation (6 loaves of Hill Country Extra Thin Bread (blue)- $1/piece) in order to earn an LSE.

    • The last date for the semester is this Friday, December 6th from 4:45-5:45PM. To receive credit, fill out this LINK (there is a 10-member max for LSE credit), show up at 4:45PM, bring your donations, and fill out the sign-up on the whiteboard.

AEDxMSO Mission Trip - Bake Sale Fundraiser

Sign up for Tabling Shifts

  • AED members (general and newly inducted) can earn 1 LSE or 1 service hour for signing up for 2 tabling shifts to help run the bake-sale. Sign up to table HERE or help collect baked goods in the morning. 

Bring a Baked Good

  • Earn 1 LSE or 1 service hour for bringing a baked good with at least 12 individual servings (e.g., cookies, cupcakes, brownies).

  • Please label your items with what the item is, and if there are any allergens (e.g., nuts, gluten, dairy).

  • Sign up to bring a treat HERE, so we can ensure there is variety and that you get your service credit!

Baked Goods Drop-off Details

  • If you can, please aim to drop off your item during the 10:30-11:00AM set-up time slot, so we have all of the items ready for the start of the bake sale! If you are unable to make this, look for a message in the GroupMe from an AED member who will be sitting at a table in the BSB atrium from 9-10:30AM (We need a volunteer to also help with tabling during this time, so please sign-up at the same link if you are able to assist with early drop-offs before the table is set up). 

Please reach out to Lexi (lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu), Annie (annie_lodge1@baylor.edu), or Anne (anne_howard1@baylor.edu) if you have any questions! 

Weekly Service Form and Updates

  • Weekly service hours will be due on the last day of classes–December 10th.

    • If Lexi previously approved you for outside service, please make sure to get your hours in before this deadline.

  • If you are a newly inducted member or a general member who needs help meeting their 6 or 10 hour service requirement–please reach out to Lexi, and she can provide you with some options!

  • Direct any questions to your Weekly Service Chair if you have any questions about your hours.


Graduation Cords

Congratulations graduating seniors! We are so proud of you! If you are graduating this December, please fill out this form to get your AED cords!


  • General Member Semester Dues are $35 and are due this Wednesday (12/4) at 11:59 pm.

  • Dues can be paid to our Venmo (@BaylorAED) or Zelle (aed.txbeta@gmail.com)

    • Please do not mark your dues as a service as it charges AED.

  • Feel free to reach out to Ian at ian_stahl1@baylor.edu for any questions or if Venmo does not work for you.


Chipotle Profit Share

Come enjoy some Chipotle and support AED on Wednesday, 12/4 from 5:00-9:00!

Show the flier at checkout and send a picture of your receipt to ian_stahl1@baylor.edu to receive one social credit


  • If you ordered or would like to purchase merchandise, but cannot attend the GM, please reach out to ian_stahl1@baylor.edu to coordinate a delivery time!

  • We want to hear your feedback on merchandise! Fill out this anonymous form to share your comments and suggestions for how we can improve!

New Member Events

Enzymes and Substrates make sure to go on one social with each other before the end of the semester to receive your credit! The Substrates will inform the NM Secretary to keep track for both parties. If you have any issues please let Aatiqah or Abheet know.

Other Updates

Our Stories

AED Google Calendar

Here is the link to join the 2024-2025 Baylor AED Google Calendar!

This will be great to use to stay up-to-date on everything going on this year! We will still be using the calendar on the website as well!

AED Photocircle

Join the AED Photocircle! If you take photos at AED events, you can upload them directly here to be featured on the AED Instagram and website gallery.

Free Blueprint MCAT Study Guides

AED Resources Spreadsheet

  • Are you interested in applying for internships, scholarships, and/or research labs?! Check out the AED Resources Spreadsheet!!! This is a great compilation of many opportunities that often go unnoticed and unused. If you have any questions/concerns or any suggestions for improvement, please contact the respective Networking Chair:

Kaplan MCAT Partnership

Thanks to AED’s continued partnership with Kaplan, we have a plethora of resources/discounts available to us! Visit http://campus.kaptest.com/baylor-jorge for free MCAT resources. Good luck!

  • If you are looking to purchase a Kaplan course, our member discount code for 15% off is BAYLOR15 (includes In Person, Live Online or On Demand; excludes Tutoring).

  • Reach out to our campus MCAT expert Samar at samar.rehman@kaplan.com for help with building an effective study plan or picking the right course for them. 

  • If you are interested in becoming a Kaplan Brand Ambassador (benefits include free course, flexible schedule, competitive pay and professional development opportunities), you can learn more here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our current Brand Ambassador, Jorge Gomez.

The Princeton Review MCAT Partnership

New for 2024 is AED's partnership with The Princeton Review (TPR). With that, comes an array of awesome discounts that all members can take advantage of!

  • BAYLORAED20 - for 20% off Test Prep courses

  • BAYLORAED10 - for 10% off tutoring packages

  • BAYLORAEDMA10 - for 10% off Med School Admissions Counseling products

Master Spreadsheet Info

Fall 2024 Master Spreadsheet

Have a blessed week everyone! Email any members of the executive board if you have any questions!


12/09 Weekly Email


11/18 Weekly Email