10/23 Weekly Email
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday (10/24): Western Atlantic University School of Medicine Scholarly Event | 6:00-7:00 pm
Wednesday (10/25): General Meeting 4 at the BSB D110 | 7:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesday (10/25): Foodie Series at Union Hall | 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday (10/26): Resume Building Workshop at the BSB B110 | 6:00-7:00pm
Sunday (10/29): AED Pickleball Tournament
Monday (10/30): Pumpkin Painting Social at the SUB Bowl | 5:00-6:00pm
Forms and Deadlines:
Wednesday (11/08): Mission Trip Application Closes!
LSE: Pickleball Tournament Refereeing 10/29
We are hosting our pickleball tournament this weekend and are looking for volunteers to referee and sell concessions! If you are signing up to referee we will inform you on the rules and regulations so look out for a follow-up email with further details!
Mission Trip
AED’s Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic is from May 12th-17th. Here is the LINK to the application! It closes November 8th, so make sure to fill it out early to secure your spot. Reach out to yuki_reddy1@baylor.edu and annie_lodge1@baylor.edu if you have any questions!
Other Service Updates
If you have any questions/concerns about weekly service please reach out to Lexi (lexi_haviland1@baylor.edu) or your service chair!
Foodie Series @ Union Hall, 10/25
On Wednesday 10/25, right before the general meeting, join us for dinner at Union Hall!
It will be from 6:00-7:00pm so we can go to the general meeting right afterward at 7:30! You must stay for at least 30 minutes to obtain a social credit!
Pumpkin Painting (optional carving), 10/30
On Monday 10/30, we will be painting pumpkins in the SUB Bowl from 5:00-6:00pm! We will vote on the best pumpkin and whoever wins will get a prize! I will provide small pumpkins and painting supplies for everyone. I will have an interest form at the next meeting to get an idea of how many pumpkins to buy.
Carving is optional, if you want to carve a pumpkin, you must bring your own carving supplies and a large pumpkin.
You must stay for at least 30 minutes to obtain a social credit.
Scholarly Events
Western Atlantic University School of Medicine Scholarly Event
Join us on Zoom this Tuesday, October 24th to hear from a representative from the Western Atlantic University School of Medicine (WAUSM).
Zoom link can be found here!
Meeting ID: 883 1419 9450
Passcode: 254748
Upcoming Opportunities/Resources
AED Pickleball Tournament
AED will be hosting a pickleball tournament on Sunday October 29th, 2023 from 5:00pm to 10:00pm. This tournament is open to ALL Baylor students, and it will be held at the SLC and McLean Courts. Scan the QR code to sign up. https://forms.gle/fGH8P5ZhmpV5YRqu9
Resume Building Workshop
Our wonderful networking chairs are putting together a resume building workshop to assist people as they consider applying to Summer jobs, internships, and graduate programs! Come out to get some great advice on how to strengthen your resume in order to put your best foot forward with future employers or programs. The event will be held on Thursday, October 26 from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the BSB B110! Everyone who attends will get a scholarship credit.
Job Opportunity at The Grandson
A company that does home care for seniors in Waco is looking to hire more caregivers! They train on the job for everything you need to know, have flexible hours, and have amazing clients that they work with. If you are interested in applying, check out their website (https://www.thegrandson.org/employment) or email Madison Hatchel with any questions (madison_hatchel1@baylor.edu)!
Present Your PhD
Present Your PhD is a graduate student organization that allows graduate students to educate students in the Waco community about current research at Baylor! They are now looking for undergraduates who are interested in research to help teach students in Waco with the graduate students. If you are looking to get more involved in research, expand your communication skills, and get some hours in, this is a great opportunity to look into! Fill out this form to get connected and check out their website (https://blogs.baylor.edu/presentyourphd/) to learn more!
Prehealth Office Events
There are a ton of great events hosted by the prehealth office this semester! Check out the flyer to see if there are any that you might want to attend. All of the workshops are intended for sophomores and juniors beginning to think about the committee process and applications to medical school. There is a personal statement workshop that is open to all prehealth student, not just for pre-medical students.
New Blog Post
Our newest blog post is a highlight of AED’s Baylor Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night LSE. Click this link to learn more about it, and it was written by one of our historians, Hannah Anderson.
AED Timetree Calendar
Here is the link to join our timetree calendar for the Fall semester! This will be great to use to keep up to speed with any events that we will be having. We will still be using the calendar on the website as well!
Free Blueprint MCAT Study Guides
Blueprint has let us know that they have released 4 new MCAT study guides that can be utilized by our members! Here is the link to download them.
AED Resources Spreadsheet
Are you interested in applying for internships, scholarships, and/or research labs?! Check out the AED Resources Spreadsheet!!! This is a great compilation of many opportunities that often go unnoticed and unused. If you have any questions/concerns or any suggestions for improvement, please contact the respective Networking Chair:
Shadowing: miranda_lutterbei1@baylor.edu
Research: Emily_York1@baylor.edu
Scholarships: rebecca_abraham2@baylor.edu
Internships: kashvi_lalchandani1@baylor.edu
Kaplan MCAT Partnership
Thanks to AED’s continued partnership with Kaplan, we have a plethora of resources/discounts available to us! Visit http://campus.kaptest.com/baylor-jorge for free MCAT resources. Good luck!
If you are looking to purchase a Kaplan course, our member discount code for 15% off is BAYLOR15 (includes In Person, Live Online or On Demand; excludes Tutoring).
Reach out to our campus MCAT expert Samar at samar.rehman@kaplan.com for help with building an effective study plan or picking the right course for them.
If you are interested in becoming a Kaplan Brand Ambassador (benefits include free course, flexible schedule, competitive pay and professional development opportunities), you can learn more here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our current Brand Ambassador, Jorge Gomez.
Master Spreadsheet Info