03/11 Weekly Email
Upcoming Events:
New Member Induction | March 12th, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
New Member Auction- Western Themed | March 15th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Pre-Health Charity Gala | March 16th, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Large Service Events
Pay-for-credit LSE: McLennan County Diaper Collective. There is no government assistance for diapers, so MCDC is a new non-profit that aims to fill this gap and runs solely on donations. To earn an LSE credit, please bring a package of diapers (any size; at least 100 diapers) to the next GM (3/20). The diapers should be HEB/Walmart brand, and not name-brand diapers to save money. Please no pull ups–just regular diapers. Diapers run in sizes from newborn to 7. Reach out to Lexi if you are not able to drop off at the next general meeting!
AEDxMSO Thrift Store is going to be this Wednesday (3/13) on Fountain Mall. Please sign up for one slot at this LINK to earn an LSE credit. Each additional slot will count for 1 weekly service hour. Please reach out to ian_stahl1@baylor.edu with any questions.
Loaves of Love occurs every 2 weeks in Earle Classroom. Loaves of Love is a weekly service opportunity, but AED members can attend ANY date this semester for 1 LSE credit. Note: Loaves of Love can only count for 1 LSE of your required 3. The next date is this Friday (3/15) from 4:30 to 6PM. To receive credit, show up at 4:30 and fill out the sign-in on the whiteboard.
Steppin’ Out is Saturday, April 6th! AED is going to be partnering with ASDA! Steppin’ Out emailed all of AED’s members (new members too) a link to register. Please make sure to fill out the registration by March 27th to be able to attend and be assigned with AED. Everyone must fill out their own registration form.
Baylor DPT needs volunteer patients for their upcoming skills checks/practical exams in mid-April! This could be a fun opportunity to learn something while you get some volunteering hours in. Each shift is 2 hours and 15 minutes long, and you can either sign up for the human anatomy shift or the physical therapy examination shift. If you do sign up for a shift, make sure you actually go! Signing up for 1 shift will earn you an LSE! Sign-ups and more information can be found here.
Weekly Service Updates
Earn weekly service hours through donations to AED x MSO Thrift store. For every 4 items (shirts, pants, shorts, dresses, etc.) you will receive 1 service hour. For every pair of lightly used shoes, you will receive 1 service hour. We are accepting a maximum of 4 service hours worth of donations this semester. If you would like to donate, reach out to Ian, Kayla, or Lexi to coordinate a meetup. We will be accepting donations through 3/12.
Waco Family Medicine polos are in! If you still have not picked up your polo, please reach out to Lexi!
Please reach out to Lexi (Lexi_Haviland1@baylor.edu) if you have not heard from your Weekly Service chair or if you have any questions about the site you are volunteering with for this semester:)
General Member dues are now $35
Venmo: @BaylorAED
Please do not say this is a good/service (it charges AED)
Contact Kayla_Nguyen2@baylor.edu with questions or if Venmo does not work for you
New Member Educators
We are so excited to welcome 28 NEW MEMBERS into AED!
These are the dates for the remaining New Member Events:
New Member Induction: 3/12 from 7:00-8:00 PM in Foster 240
Attire is business professional
New Member Auction: 3/15 from 6:00-8:00 PM in Marrs McLean Science 101
The theme is Western/Rodeo!
REMINDER: ONE of your social credits MUST be from one of the New Member Events! You must attend any of the events listed above- Tea & Trivia, Picnic, Induction, or the Auction- or be an enzyme. The recruitment events do not fulfill this credit and a scholarship credit cannot replace this credit.
Other Updates
Executive Board Application NOW OPEN!
If you missed the announcement at GM 3, the application for any of the 8 Executive Board positions is now open and will close on 3/20 at 11:59pm. All the information about what each position entails, what the process looks like, and the application itself can be found on this slideshow. I do want to highlight that one of the requirements is that you meet with the current holder of the position you are applying for BEFORE you send Miranda your finalized application, so make sure to have that on your radar! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email Miranda_Lutterbei1@baylor.edu. I highly encourage you to consider serving AED in this way, as it is one of the most rewarding experiences!
Pre-Health Office Organization Scholarship
Dr. Sanker and the Pre-Health Office are introducing a new scholarship starting for the upcoming school year. Each organization gets to nominate 2 people for the scholarship, with the focus being on highlighting future leaders within organization life and for future healthcare careers. AED has opened a scholarship application that we would like anyone interested to fill out, and this is due by March 31st at 11:59pm. Anyone can apply as long as they aren’t a senior, they must take a Leadership in Healthcare course with Dr. Sanker next year, and they must hold a leadership role (executive board or chair position) within AED next year. While the amount is not determined yet, I would expect it to be around $2,000-$3,000. If you have any questions, reach out to Miranda_Lutterbei1@baylor.edu!
Pre-Health Charity Gala
AED is collaborating with ASDA, BMSA, and MSO to put on this year’s Pre-Health Charity Gala on March 16th from 7:00-10:00 pm! This event is open to all Baylor Students and all proceeds will be benefiting a local Waco charity, The Cove, which works to provide resources and support for homeless youth in Waco. Starting on February 19th, tickets will be $15 per person. All attendees will have catered dinner and dessert (Baris and Insomnia Cookies) and a mask included in the ticket price. The event will include speakers, a live auction, and dancing at the end of the night! Make sure to get your tickets today & invite all of your friends to come out and have a blast! All AED members who attend will receive a social credit!
Camp Reynal Counselor Opportunity
Camp Reynal is currently looking for volunteer camp counselors for their annual week-long summer camp for kids ages 8-16 that suffer from kidney and urology diseases and disorders. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Rachel Gutierrez at camprrecruitment@gmail.com with any questions. Camp dates this year are from May 25th to May 31st and the only cost to you would be your time. Application deadline is on March 29th. Online applications are available through their website. Camp Reynal is held each summer at Camp John Marc near the town of Meridian, Texas. Students are able to earn volunteer hours and may request a letter for proof of participation and total hours.
Baylor College of Medicine Global Health Annual Symposia
Baylor College of Medicine Global Programs, in collaboration with student organization BCM Global Health Interest Group, is hosting the inaugural BCM Global Programs Symposium on April 26, 2024 to highlight innovative global health research and education. In line with our mission to make meaningful and lasting contributions to healthcare through innovation and research, training and patient care, and to celebrate our 10-year anniversary as the governing body for all international programs and initiatives at BCM, Global Programs will be awarding “Research and Innovation” seed funding grants of $5000. The top abstracts in the following "high-priority" areas are invited to submit short proposals, with a maximum of three research grants to be awarded. Abstract submissions are open! Please see the website for more abstract submission and conference registration details, including abstract submission deadlines and guidelines.
New Blog Post
Check out the latest blog post to hear from seniors on exec, and learn more about their positions!
AED Timetree Calendar
Here is the link to join our timetree calendar for the Spring semester! This will be great to use to keep up to speed with any events that we will be having. We will still be using the calendar on the website as well!
Free Blueprint MCAT Study Guides
Blueprint has let us know that they have released 4 new MCAT study guides that can be utilized by our members! Here is the link to download them.
AED Resources Spreadsheet
Are you interested in applying for internships, scholarships, and/or research labs?! Check out the AED Resources Spreadsheet!!! This is a great compilation of many opportunities that often go unnoticed and unused. If you have any questions/concerns or any suggestions for improvement, please contact the respective Networking Chair:
Shadowing: miranda_lutterbei1@baylor.edu
Research: Emily_York1@baylor.edu
Scholarships: rebecca_abraham2@baylor.edu
Internships: kashvi_lalchandani1@baylor.edu
Kaplan MCAT Partnership
Thanks to AED’s continued partnership with Kaplan, we have a plethora of resources/discounts available to us! Visit http://campus.kaptest.com/baylor-jorge for free MCAT resources. Good luck!
If you are looking to purchase a Kaplan course, our member discount code for 15% off is BAYLOR15 (includes In Person, Live Online or On Demand; excludes Tutoring).
Reach out to our campus MCAT expert Samar at samar.rehman@kaplan.com for help with building an effective study plan or picking the right course for them.
If you are interested in becoming a Kaplan Brand Ambassador (benefits include free course, flexible schedule, competitive pay and professional development opportunities), you can learn more here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our current Brand Ambassador, Jorge Gomez.
Master Spreadsheet Info