02/12 Weekly Email
Upcoming Events:
Rom-Com Social | Hankamer 101 | February 12th, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Pre-Health Symposium | February 17th, 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
McLennan County Diaper Collective LSE | February 18th, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Forms and Deadlines:
Wednesday (02/14): General Membership Form - due at 11:59pm ***Required for all General Members
Rom Com Social (& Cookie Decorating)
Come watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days in Hankamer 101 at 4:30!
We will be decorating cookies that you can eat or bring home to your Valentine <3
Must stay for at least 30 minutes to receive credit
General Membership Form
Please make sure to fill out the General Membership Form by 11:59pm on the day of the second general meeting (2/14). This is a requirement for ALL General Members.
General Meeting #2 Information
Please see the email that Miranda sent out last week with more information on GM2 and feel free to message her with any questions or concerns! See y’all there :)
Pre-Health Symposium Flyer
Large Service Events
McLennan County Diaper Collective is inviting 4 AED members to help out at their next diaper distribution this upcoming Sunday (2/18) from 12-2PM! They are a brand new non-profit in Waco who aim to provide families in Waco with diapers in order to help meet their needs. Please fill out this LINK by Thursday to secure your spot.
Loaves of Love occurs every 2 weeks in Earle Classroom. Loaves of Love is a weekly service opportunity, but AED members can attend ANY date this semester for 1 LSE credit. Note: Loaves of Love can only count for 1 LSE of your required 3. The next date is Friday (2/23) from 4:30 to 6PM. To receive credit, show up at 4:30 and fill out the sign-in on the whiteboard.
Volunteering for the Bearathon, the toughest half-marathon in Texas is a great way to give back to the community. The Bearathon is March 23rd, 2024 from 6AM-12PM, and it will be on campus! In order to be a volunteer, you must sign up at this LINK by March 9th. Make sure to add that you will be volunteering with AED in the organization question to get credit.
Weekly Service Updates
Please reach out to Lexi (Lexi_Haviland1@baylor.edu) if you have not heard from your Weekly Service chair or if you have any questions about the site you are volunteering with for this semester:)
If you have to attend an orientation for your organization–that will still contribute to your weekly hours! Please let me know if you have any questions at all!
General Member dues are $25 until the 2nd GM (2/14) at 11:59 PM
Venmo: @BaylorAED
Please do not say this is a good/service (it charges AED)
Contact Kayla_Nguyen2@baylor.edu with questions or if Venmo does not work for you
New Member Educators
Thank you to those who helped with tabling and are helping with interviews! We are so excited to welcome 28 NEW MEMBERS into AED!
These are the dates for the New Member Events:
New Member Tea & Trivia: 2/4 from 2:00-4:00 PM in the Cashion Lobby
Enzyme-Substrate Speed Dating: @ NM Meeting #3 from 7:30-8:30pm in A236
New Member Picnic: 2/25 from 1:00-3:00 PM
New Member Induction: 3/12 from 7:00-8:00 PM
New Member Auction: 3/15 from 6:00-8:00 PM
We highly encourage you to sign-up to be an enzyme! You must be an enzyme at least once and it must be one semester before graduation. Please sign up here: Spring 2024 Enzyme Sign-Up
REMINDER: ONE of your social credits MUST be from one of the New Member Events! You must attend any of the events listed above or be an enzyme. The recruitment events do not fulfill this credit and a scholarship credit cannot replace this credit.
Other Updates
Baylor College of Medicine Global Health Annual Symposia
Tulane University Masters in Genetics and Genomics
The Tulane Hayward Genetics Center offers a 1-year, post-baccalaureate Master in Medical Genetics and Genomics. This multidisciplinary program gives graduates an in-depth understanding of the rapidly advancing field of clinical human genetics. It is designed to prepare qualified individuals for careers in the health sciences, and to provide an educational experience that will enhance the opportunity of being admitted into a postgraduate professional school such as medical school or PhD programs.
Most of our students are pre-med, and while it varies from year to year, we estimate that over 90% of our graduates who apply to medical school or osteopathy school have been accepted in subsequent years.
In addition to medical school, graduates from our program have also gone on to other careers including dental school, PhD programs, genetic counseling masters programs, and working with biomedical technology companies.
The curriculum includes courses that cover the same material as medical schools’ Genetics courses and first year Medical Biochemistry courses.
We offer clinical shadowing opportunities in the Tulane Genetics clinics.
If you are interested and have any additional questions, feel free to contact Dr. Karen Weissbecker (kremer@tulane.edu) or check out their website! You can also email Miranda for an FAQ document!
CREB x Service Prehealth Showcase
Global Health Research Symposium
Global Health Student Network is hosting a Research Symposium in mid-March, and AED has been invited to participate. If you are an undergraduate researcher who has conducted global health-related research and you would like to participate in the symposium on behalf of AED by presenting your poster, email Miranda (Miranda_Lutterbei1@baylor.edu)!
Columbia University Survey
Our organization has been invited to participate in a research study conducted by Dr. Kristian Von & a medical student at Columbia University. Their study is being used to understand barriers to medical school for pre-medical students and to understand students’ perception of the medical specialty Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). Here is the 5-minute, IRB-approved survey that they have invited us to fill out.
New Blog Post
Blog posts are back! Check out the latest post featuring one of our very own members, Liberty Tucker!
AED Timetree Calendar
Here is the link to join our timetree calendar for the Spring semester! This will be great to use to keep up to speed with any events that we will be having. We will still be using the calendar on the website as well!
Free Blueprint MCAT Study Guides
Blueprint has let us know that they have released 4 new MCAT study guides that can be utilized by our members! Here is the link to download them.
AED Resources Spreadsheet
Are you interested in applying for internships, scholarships, and/or research labs?! Check out the AED Resources Spreadsheet!!! This is a great compilation of many opportunities that often go unnoticed and unused. If you have any questions/concerns or any suggestions for improvement, please contact the respective Networking Chair:
Shadowing: miranda_lutterbei1@baylor.edu
Research: Emily_York1@baylor.edu
Scholarships: rebecca_abraham2@baylor.edu
Internships: kashvi_lalchandani1@baylor.edu
Kaplan MCAT Partnership
Thanks to AED’s continued partnership with Kaplan, we have a plethora of resources/discounts available to us! Visit http://campus.kaptest.com/baylor-jorge for free MCAT resources. Good luck!
If you are looking to purchase a Kaplan course, our member discount code for 15% off is BAYLOR15 (includes In Person, Live Online or On Demand; excludes Tutoring).
Reach out to our campus MCAT expert Samar at samar.rehman@kaplan.com for help with building an effective study plan or picking the right course for them.
If you are interested in becoming a Kaplan Brand Ambassador (benefits include free course, flexible schedule, competitive pay and professional development opportunities), you can learn more here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our current Brand Ambassador, Jorge Gomez.
Master Spreadsheet Info